Our business strategy

Obton invests predominantly in markets where there is a balanced relationship between return and risk. Our value set is not driven by speculation in short-term returns, but rather in long-term high-security projects that provide benefits for developers and owners, funding partners and investors.

We are constantly looking for interesting projects that can be included in our portfolio. We regularly screen options and new offers applying our standard investment model to test whether a project is interesting to pursue.

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: mediaItem
   at Umbraco.Web.ImageCropperTemplateExtensions.GetCropUrl(IPublishedContent mediaItem, Nullable`1 width, Nullable`1 height, String propertyAlias, String cropAlias, Nullable`1 quality, Nullable`1 imageCropMode, Nullable`1 imageCropAnchor, Boolean preferFocalPoint, Boolean useCropDimensions, Boolean cacheBuster, String furtherOptions, Nullable`1 ratioMode, Boolean upScale)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_media_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\media.cshtml:line 13
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
   at Umbraco.Core.Profiling.ProfilingView.Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer)
   at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_base_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\base.cshtml:line 20
Total MWp
Assets under management
B. €

What we can offer you as a developer?

Obton has many years of experience in the renewable energy market. We were one of the first investment companies to see the opportunities in solar PV systems. As a result, we have established an in-depth knowledge of best practice management that we draw on whenever we need to complete a project or conclude an agreement.

A partnership with Obton ensures a professional, effective and efficient process all the way to the closing of the deal.

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: mediaItem
   at Umbraco.Web.ImageCropperTemplateExtensions.GetCropUrl(IPublishedContent mediaItem, Nullable`1 width, Nullable`1 height, String propertyAlias, String cropAlias, Nullable`1 quality, Nullable`1 imageCropMode, Nullable`1 imageCropAnchor, Boolean preferFocalPoint, Boolean useCropDimensions, Boolean cacheBuster, String furtherOptions, Nullable`1 ratioMode, Boolean upScale)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_media_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\media.cshtml:line 13
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
   at Umbraco.Core.Profiling.ProfilingView.Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer)
   at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_base_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\base.cshtml:line 20

What is the ideal profile for a project?

Obton has projects of a widely different nature in 14 different countries in Europe, Asias and in Canada. Here you can see examples of the types of projects we are currently or have been involved in:

  • PV systems in urban areas
  • PV systems on roofs in rural areas
  • Large-scale ground mounted PV systems 
  • Current Obton projects
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: mediaItem
   at Umbraco.Web.ImageCropperTemplateExtensions.GetCropUrl(IPublishedContent mediaItem, Nullable`1 width, Nullable`1 height, String propertyAlias, String cropAlias, Nullable`1 quality, Nullable`1 imageCropMode, Nullable`1 imageCropAnchor, Boolean preferFocalPoint, Boolean useCropDimensions, Boolean cacheBuster, String furtherOptions, Nullable`1 ratioMode, Boolean upScale)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_media_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\media.cshtml:line 13
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.ExecutePageHierarchy()
   at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy(WebPageContext pageContext, TextWriter writer, WebPageRenderingBase startPage)
   at Umbraco.Core.Profiling.ProfilingView.Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer)
   at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
   at ASP._Page_Views_Partials_grid_editors_base_cshtml.Execute() in D:\sites\ObtonGroup\live_obton_umbraco\Views\Partials\grid\editors\base.cshtml:line 20

Financial institutions and funding partners

At Obton, we know that financial institutions involved in the funding of investment in renewable energy sources more than anything require: security. We have been a part of the renewable energy market for many years and we always ensure that the financial foundation of all projects is solid, as well as relying on long-term partnerships with both our financial partners and our developers.

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